C1¡@Personal Planning for Results
Personal Planning for Results is a dynamic (constantly exploring and adapting), comprehensive (taking into consideration everything that affects your life), intentional (what you care about and choose), and futuric approach (based on your intuition and creative insight).
An opportunity to learn and do a comprehensive personal plan for your life using ICA's natural planning process. Participants will describe their own current situation, identify their practical vision for the future they choose, discover what is blocking that vision from becoming reality and must therefore must change, and begin working out the actions and implementation steps for making it happen. This practical on-going learning process provides not a one-time fixed answer, but rather a fluid thinking process that is continually developing, deepening and adjusting to your personal situation as well as to social changes. The Personal Planning for Results depends on one's clarity of his/her assessment of the "now" and intention and declaration regarding the future you choose to turn into reality.
Session Content Outline & Description: (breakdown of session in terms of 'agenda' items)
Gail West
Director of ICA Taiwan since 1991, Gail has spent the last 29 years in human development projects in communities within companies, government organizations and not-for-profit groups in Asia, Europe and the US. She has been instrumental in contributing to ICA's "Technology of Participation", and has for the last several years been in intensive collaborative experimental alliances to introduce Open Space Technology, community building and other "individual potential" technologies in Asia, integrating them into a transformational format for organizations. Gail specializes in design, facilitation and documentation of programs and personal development to enable organizations to recreate their systems, leadership skills, culture and working environment in order to become Learning Organizations. Twenty-six years in Asia with the ICA have included long-term consultancies with people at all organizational levels as well as community people in multi-cultural environments.
C2¡@Moving Toward a Full Emotional Choice
The core patterns of a person's inner world, revealing the essence of that person, can be accessed through the emotions a person habitually experienced. These emotions a person habitually experienced provide an open doorway and keys to the heart of his/her personality, behavior patterns, and reason for existence. Most people don't know it is possible to appreciate and enjoy all of their emotions. Even fewer realize that the key to emotional choice - the key to learn from and to use emotions to achieve life goals - lies within the emotions themselves. A greater understanding of the substance of emotions and how they work will give us the ability to make more suitable choices. The Action Balance permanently changes the neurological pathway of our emotional experiences, hence helps us to retain our new choices in a deeper level.
Olive Liu
Olive has a BS and MS degree in Physics, and a Ph.D. degree in System Science and Mathematics. After doing research in petroleum exploration with Schlumberger and Exxon in U.S. for 20 years, Olive shifted her focus to human potential. Using her scientific background, Olive integrates brainwave biofeedback training, Educational Kinesiology, Imperative Self analysis, sonic neurotechnologies, and other tools into a total system for personal, professional, and organization transformation. Olive lives now in Taiwan, and has written and translated much of Edu-K material into Chinese.
C3¡@Coaching Wisdom
Explore and find inner awareness through life coaching skills. Assist supervisors to use questioning techniques to coach staff and improve performance¡D We will explore: return to inner self. Understand our self- awareness; our inner dialogue - explore our core values and beliefs; using grow model for individuals and groups; and organization dialogue.
Jinny worked in the education and training field over ten years; she joined HRD consulting group of EVTA (¾°V§½ ) for a few years; she was also the CEO of Enterprise Education and Training, which evaluates the management projects around 76 of national training institutes under EVTA.
Jinny is aware that Performance Training is from heart and motivation; that is why she started learning coaching skills from Life coaching academy (based in Australia),and then became their accredited coach. She uses the coaching skills to support executives and managers of the companies to get outstanding results.
C4¡@Boundary Management-Defining Space in Facilitation
- Laura Hsu
- Intermediate
- Upper Limit: 40 people
Before we can expect to walk into a group and facilitate a successful event, comprehensive preparation is required. As a facilitator, our responsibility is to design and manage the group process. To do that, we often need to conduct in-depth interviews with the sponsors and participants. One important task is to identify the boundaries around the focus topic. Discerning the boundaries is not only about what questions to ask and how to ask questions. It's about how to listen and help the group articulate the boundaries.
Managing Boundaries is fundamental to facilitation. Boundaries affect the ways groups interact. By discerning and honoring (sometimes pushing) the boundaries in a group, facilitators illuminate the space of participation so the group work becomes generative.
In this session, you will learn:
- What is boundary and why is it important in facilitation?
- Four types of boundaries
- Client Interview Practice: Discerning Boundaries
- Framework: Boundaries that define working arena for the group
- Co-create a list of methods to honor and/or push the boundaries in facilitation
Laura is the first Asian facilitator certified by the International Association of Facilitators (IAF www.iaf-world.org). She specializes in major group facilitation methodologies and she builds community spirits within groups.She has a BA in International Business Management from National Taiwan University. She dedicates to the implementation of organizational change, facilitation training and strategic planning projects and has facilitated projects in companies, government agencies, hospitals and schools. She is the Managing Director of Open Quest Facilitation Technology, a board member of ICA International representing Taiwan, and the Asian Regional Representative of IAF. She is currently the coordinator of Facilitator Forum Taiwan.
To localize and promote group facilitation, she has translated teaching materials, learning manuals (ICA Technology of Participation manuals) and group facilitation references. She also initiated the First Chinese Facilitator's Conference in Taipei 2002. Her goal is to promote the application of group facilitation across Asia. Her previous contribution to IAF Asian conferences as a presenter are: 2001 (Penang)-Open Space Technology and 2002 (Kuching)-Participatory Decision Making Tool.
C5¡@Cultivating Communities of Knowledge
- Roger Chou/ ¤é¤ë¥ú¥b¾ÉÅéASE
- Level:ALL
- Upper Limit: 40 people
Southern HOPE is the first knowledge community in the south. It has been a task to build and maintain the operation. But in the process of our exploration, we were able to train excellent volunteers and establish a very simple but effective support system to facilitate the activities in this community. Furthermore, a virtual group was formed to help it become a highly cohesive knowledge community.
Key parts of the session:
- Integrate Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management
- The Practice of Formal Community
- Workshop I: Structural Design for Internal Community of Practice
- Informal Community of Practice
- Sample Community of Practice-the Southern HOPE community
- Workshop II: What can you do to promote(establish and operate) your community if you are a branch coordinator of the Southern HOPE community?
Roger Chou
Roger has a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering and a M.A. in Management. He specializes in corporate policies. He has worked in several positions in Advanced Semiconductor Engineering Inc. He is now the Manager of its Knowledge Management Center.
Following the company's formation of a Hope Projectin Hsinchu, Roger formed the Southern Hope to promote the spirit of Chinese people's knowledge management. He is now the head coordinator for the Southern Hope knowledge community founded by MOEA Industry Development Bureau and ASE. The method we will discuss has been applied in corporate, and Roger has lectured on this topic previously. And several management departments in universities have also had discussions on the theme. Roger hopes to promote knowledge management to the industries. We can find him here: lh_chou@aseglobal.com.
C6¡@Facilitating Empowerment
The purpose of this workshop is to de-mystify 'power' and challenge the narrow ways in which power has been described in the past. People use a variety of power bases which have not been acknowledged in formal management literature. For example, sports men and women use positive self-talk and visualisation processes sometimes with remarkable results. Many different skills and strategies are required by individuals in the empowerment process. It is a life long journey. There are no quick tips and fixes. In this workshop participants will be actively involved in a variety of empowerment exercises including an "Empowerment Cycle" and Card Sort Pack containing 60 power bases.
Dr. Christine Hogan
Dr Christine Hogan is a professional facilitator and educator. She is committed to helping people to learn how to facilitate and to fostering innovations in facilitation through reflective practice, networking and research.
Christine is an International Consultant. Her extensive consultancy work in Australia and Asia focuses on personal, organisational and community development. She has worked with cross-cultural groups, unemployed youth, managers, students, prisoners and women's groups. Previously, she taught facilitation, cross-cultural communication and conflict resolution as a Senior Lecturer in Human Resource Development at Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia (1989-2002). She received honours from the USA and her university for innovative teaching and two honours from MCB University Press for two best journal articles.
Christine has worked in the Lao PDR for the past three years and also in Mongolia, Nepal and Hong Kong. She has published four books on facilitation.
D1¡@Work & You
The session is designed to help participants aware of the relationship to work and their lives. They will have a chance to:
- Review their working values
- Affirm and assure themselves of devotion to work
- Obtain positive energy from team support
- Clarify their values/principles to move forward
Theresa Lin
Theresa Lin is an ICA certified facilitator who is willing to help people to work on personal growth in every aspect. She has been a human resource practitioner in private sector organizations and now is a free lance trainer and facilitator.
D2¡@FACTS meta-model for group process
- Dr. Dale Hunter / Zenergy Ltd.
- Level: Advanced
- Upper Limit: 40 people
This workshop will introduce a meta-model for group process which can assist you to anticipate what needs to happen next in a group while you are facilitating. The FACTS meta-model (freedom, alignment, congruence, truth and synergy) provides a map with checkpoints to assess where you will need to put your attention to strengthen and repair the group process towards sustainability and synergy.
The FACTS meta-model was developed during doctoral research into "Facilitating sustainable co-operative processes in organizations." Part of this research was a co-operative inquiry by a group of facilitators who contributed to, used and validated the model in their facilitation work. The workshop will provide a background to the research, discuss the model and its implications, practice using the model in small groups, and reflect on the ways FACTS can be used in facilitation work.
DALE HUNTER PhD is a Director of Zenergy Ltd,, a facilitation company based in New Zealand. The Zenergy web page is www.zenergglobal.com. Zenergy's specialty is their facilitator training programmes and an eight-module Diploma of Facilitation, involving more than a thousand people. Dr. Hunter is co-author of four books on facilitation and co-operative ways of working; 'The Zen of Groups', 'The Art of Facilitation', 'Co-operacy - a new way of being at work' and 'The Essence of Facilitation'. Dale is the new Vice -Chair International for the International Association of Facilitators (IAF) and is coming to the Conference to meet facilitators and extent her understanding of the needs of facilitators based in Asia.
D3¡@What can we do to support and contribute to our growing facilitation community?
Look around this second Chinese Facilitators Conference for a sense of the diversity of background and experience of the facilitation community we are growing in greater China! In this short open space technology session, we will explore our ideas and insights on the challenges and opportunities in our community.
- What could the community offer to develop your own facilitation strengths?
- What are the needs that aren't being met?
- What opportunities are emerging for facilitation?
The open space technology meeting format allows us to honor the abundance of ideas, experiences, questions and insights that we all bring to this gathering. Be prepared to be surprised!! Ask questions,
contribute ideas, share feedback, tell and listen to stories, tap into the collective wisdom of this emerging community. Be prepared for good conversation, thoughtful reflection, genuine community, rapid learning and real fun. For those with a laptop computer, please bring it so that we can post our discussion notes for all to see and enter them into a wiki database.
Please join this community-building discussion!
Jane Lewis
Jane is a facilitator and energy medicine practitioner who first came to Taiwan to live and work in 1977. She brings over 30 years of experience in environmental research and higher education to her current interests in self-organizing communities, integral coaching and healing. Along the way she's organized numerous problem-solving international workshops and has had several stints as a shrimp farmer in joint-venture projects in China. Jane is a partner in Open Quest Technologies and lives with her writer/director husband overlooking the coastline of Keelung.
D4¡@Simulation: Facilitating a Wisdom Circle
- The session has been cencelled.
- Linda E. Laddin
- Level:Advanced
- Upper Limit: 40 people
Join this Wisdom Circlec and be a CEO or business owner! Meeting with other "CEOs" in this simulation, you tackle your business and leadership challenges and problems with peers from non-competing industries. Very interactive so be ready to participate!
Each participant "becomes" a CEO and/or business owner and engages in lively and challenging discussions with other CEOs, facilitated by the session leader. Then we end the simulation and debrief the session.
- Understanding the concept and purpose of the Wisdom Circlec
- Demonstrate (and create?) some practices and challenges of facilitating senior groups who are not intact teams and whose goals may vary among individuals
Linda has 20+ years as a learning & development professional in Asia. She conduct presentation at Beijing Trainers' Network 1999 and Several presentations at ASTD International Conferences, most recent in 2000. She publishes chapters in China Staff Training & Development Manual (2000) and in Advances in Global Leadership, Volume III (2003). She currently is a full-time executive coach and facilitator for MNCs and local organizations in Asia
D5¡@Meditation with Oranges
Phyllis Liu /United Daily News Group
Level: ALL
Upper Limit: 40 people
Find connections in our universe through eating an orange, telling stories, meditation, pictures, and sharing. First we will invite the group to share the story of "The Orange and I" and eat an orange. Slowly taste the orange and meditate on the life of an orange. Group artwork, draw a picture of orange's life cycle, people who participate and contribute, and our natural world. And we will use an O.R.I.D. session to share reflections. We hope to learn the connection between individual and the world around us, connection to the people we know, and the people we don't know. Adults can use this method to teach children the value of life's gifts and to care for our environment.
Phyllis has a degree in journalism and a master's degree in business management. She is a certified ICA/FCP facilitator. She is also a certified trainer for MTP Executive Management Training / CPC. Working in the media for nearly 30 years (with China Post, China Economic News Service, Min Sheng daily, and United Evening News), She is a campus lecturer for the Cultural Foundation of United Daily News Group, working with youth on issues in life planning and self-break through. She is also the photographer for the book "Chiang Chin-Kuo and Chang Ya-Ruo." Phyllis is passionate about learning and devotes her efforts to charity work. She had planned and participated in several large events, international conferences, political campaign literatures.
D6¡@Learn Through Experience! Juggling as a Metaphor for Learning
Why is it that many people have a driver's license, but can't drive?
Why is it that many students pass the English test in school, but then freeze when asked for directions on the street by a lost foreigner?
Why do some participant fall asleep, during the "most important part" of a learning event?
How do we, as facilitators and educators, move learning from the "head" to the "body?"
Expect to burn some calories (high heels not recommended) during this high energy presentation of the "Learn Through Experience" model, which is useful learning model for both facilitators, and every individual that wants to increase their "learnability" in the REAL world.
-Definition of Learning
- Moving the Impossible to the realm of the Possible
- Learn Through Experience! Model Exploration
- FOCUS on you GOAL
- TRY something NEW
- Applying this to the "Real World." What do I want to shift from Impossible to Possible?
Jimbo Clark:
I am a native of Seattle, and moved to Taiwan for a six month visit 16 years ago, and am still loving life here, thanks primarily to my lovely wife Anita, and our 3 year old son John. I work exclusively for Learning Technology Ltd. as a manager, trainer and meeting facilitator. My style is a mix of high energy presentations, learning activities, music, and small and large group discussions, all in a playful, yet respectful environment. I "facilitated" the closing Drum Circle last year, and did a session where we played one of my favorite learning activities, "Human Poker." One of my greatest joys in life is to share learning experiences with people, and look forward to interacting with those brave souls who choose to "Learn Through Experience" with me in this year's CFC.
Open Space and Closing Ceremony 15:30-18:30 |
OS¡@Facilitating the Future: What is Trying to Happen?
- This Session for the Whole Group
It's a valuable timing at this point in our conference after gathering and meeting with other participants in different setting and participating in all kinds of sessions. The question then comes: How do I take this to the future? In this session we will use Open Space Technology to discuss the topic "Facilitating the Future". Form small groups according to your passion and responsibility and say what you need to said before the closing.
In a relaxed atmosphere, we will see future development more clearly! Take this opportunity to explore and learn from other participants. This will be a great opportunity to ground our facilitation community and a great chance to see how Open Space Technology can be used in facilitating groups.
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